I can't say I'll post something everyday, but I will post a Song of the Week every Wednesday. This week, Bonobo's "Kong". It's an easy listen, it's different, and it's worthy of your attention. "Kong" is on the album "Black Sands" which was released in late March of this year.
Simon Green, who goes by his stage name Bonobo, is a British DJ. You might have heard his music on shows like House and Californication. "Kong" does sound like it would come in at the credits of Californication doesn't it? Right after Hank Moody screwed up for the uptenth time.
The song is also perfect for a covert bank robbery scene in a George Clooney film. Since you're probably not planning on robbing any banks in the near future, you can use it as a go-to jam on rainy days.