I don't know anyone who calls Matt and Kim their favorite band. And I'm not saying anyone should.
But when I saw them perform at Lollapalooza a few weeks ago, I was surprised to find a seemingly loyal fan base–people who knew their work beyond "Daylight" and "Good Ol' Fashion Nightmare".
The duo, who are best known for these songs, hit the stage with Fat Joe's "Lean Back" blaring from the Adidas Mega stereos. An instant party shock-wave infected the crowd. Thousands of kids appropriately decked out in plaid, neon and chuck taylor's, threw both hands in the air and began doing the inevitable intro dance–myself included.
Nothing beats a great opener. Matt Johnson and Kim Schifino must have learned that somewhere along the road.
From that moment on, their set only got better. The crowd got crazier. Matt sang louder. And Kim slammed on those drums with the mighty force–which made her more badass (if this is possible).
I played a few of their songs on repeat for months so I was looking forward to their show. But I must admit, I never thought it would become one of my favorites of the three-day festival. A full listen to their two albums proves they have a long way to go.
Songs like "Yea Yeah" and "Lessons Learned" while catchy, deliver overly simplistic lyrics. Still, when they played them live, I had a blast.
The consensus? I'm not about to call Matt and Kim's albums "genius", but they do know how to put on an extremely fun show. They're @ the Metro in Chicago, Sept. 19 and I fully plan on attending.
Here's a video of Matt and Kim at Lolla. What did you think of their intro?